Friday, December 31, 2010

Old Pain and New Science - Happy New Year, from My Heart

Tonight is New Years Eve, and aside from the terrible back pain that usually ails me, an old ailment has sprung up again--a sharp throbbing in my heart. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume the chest symptoms were nothing but stress from writing and studying and anxiety about the coming year and getting older and such.

Oh, but I do know better. And my best assumption is that it is linked to something from long ago--an event which I am not yet ready to write about even now. Perhaps I will soon. But on to more recent events.

When I described my symptoms to a very scientifically informed friend of mine, he told me of a new technological device called an electrocardiograph (a new device associated with galvanometry) that can detect and record electric currents made by my heart. I didn't even know my heart made electric currents! Maybe that was why I was in so much pain, I suggested, but he assured me that every heart conducts them.

How curious! I thought.

He gave me the address of a hospital "not too far from here" and told me the cardiologist there would be glad to use his electrocardiograph to diagnose my problem.

I felt both nervous and excited at once--nervous at the word "diagnose," because that always means something is wrong--but excited about being able to experience such a breakthrough in science.

I can't wait to see the electrocardiograph and come back to write about it!

As for tonight, though, Happy New Year!


  1. On medical shows they call it an EKG. They just put a couple of sensors on the skin. The human heart puts our allot of electricity since it is always consuming chemical energy and compressing our high iron-content blood with enough pressure to inflate a bicycle tire.

  2. Aye pray ye comfort ter beholde 'ere in years ye shall grow olde!
